Thursday, November 25, 2010

Seventy Times 7 - Brand New

So is that what you call a getaway?  Tell me what you got away with.  Cause I've seen more spine in jellyfish; I've seen more guts in eleven-year-old kids.  So have another drink and drive yourself home; I hope there's ice on all the roads. And you can think of me when you forget your seatbelt, and again when your head goes through the windshield.
Is that what you call tact?  You're as subtle as a brick in the small of my back.  So let's end this call, and end this conversation.  Is that what you call a getaway?  Well tell me what you got away with.  Cause you left the frays from the ties you severed; when you say best friends means friends forever.

Everyone's caught onto everything you do.  (I can't, let you, let me down again.)
Everyone's caught onto...(I can't, let you, let me down again...)

Happy Thanksgiving!!  Sorry, these lyrics fit my feelings towards someone.  Lol.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Do what you want; Just say so. Open up your mind.

"Do What You Want" by Guster is an amazing song.  Chris and I saw them live last month, and it was such a great show!  They played several songs from Easy Wonderful, Ganging Up on the Sun, Keep it Together, and Lost and Gone Forever.  I just stared in awe at the drummer for most of the show; He only uses one drumstick at the most, and uses his hands the rest of the time.  He is so insane!  I love when drummers use their hands..I feel like they're closer to their instrument.  It's really awesome to watch.  :D

I ended a long friendship recently.  And I'm 100% sure it was the right thing to do.  Somewhere in the back of my mind, I feel some regret about choices made over the past years involving this person.  But it was very lopsided.  And frankly, I'm at the age where I don't want to forcefully hang on to a friendship that was built on simple loyalty.  When Chris broke up with me a few years ago, she was my only friend left in town.  I had not balanced having a live-in boyfriend with friends well, and it backfired.  Chris dumping me ended up being the best thing for us, as I took that time to find myself a little more, and to realize that before I could fully love him, I had to love myself.  I hadn't done that in many years.  And it's lead to us still having a very strong, deep relationship in which we are never bored, angry, or lonely.  We've lived together for over four years and it's always just worked and flowed.  However, I now have friends, too, haha.  Before, I thought I had to give him 100% of me for him to love me.  But that wasn't the case!  He also loves me for my confidence and my independence and individuality.  Pre-break-up, I stupidly assumed that I had to like every single thing he liked, and revolve my world around his.  That isn't healthy at all, though.  We're two people who are sharing their lives together; we're not one singular being/voice/mind.  There have to be disagreements and arguments (I mean arguments in the sense that Chris once got a full college scholarship for debate, and we're both very strong-minded and stubborn) for a relationship to work!  We're equals; again, two halves to the whole that is US.  Enough with the mooshy-gooshy stuff, ;), back to the point.

After Chris and I got back together, I still clung to the friendship with the girl who let me cry on her shoulder when I was single.  I guess I always felt indebted to her for helping me through a rough time.  But things got too crazy and I can only put up with bullshit for so long.  So it's over.  And I've made a great friend in the process.  I don't think I've ever talked to someone on the phone as much as I have lately with this new friend, and I actually enjoy it!  It's great having a close friend who you actually have some things in common with.  And who isn't bat shit crazy bahaha.  Things are working out just like they should.

But for real...  Bitches shouldn't throw stones in glass houses.